Meditation for beginners

Meditation has become a phenomenon around the world. Its association with increased happiness, mental clarity, and improved physical health has intrigued and captivated many people in recent years. If you’re a beginner to meditation, you probably aren’t exactly sure how to get started. Let this guide you.

So, how exactly do you meditate?

  1. Start slowly

    If you’re new to meditation, it’s important to ease into the practice. Begin by only doing 5 to 30 minutes of meditation per day. While someone with more experience (and a lot of time) might spend hours a day meditating, there’s no need to set aside more than a few minutes daily. You’re more likely to maintain a consistent meditation practice if you set a reasonable time constraint on your practice.

  2. Meditate every day

    It’s important not to skip any days of meditating. If you do, you’ll struggle to establish a consistent routine and, therefore, won’t receive all of the wonderful benefits meditation has to offer. Try to set a regular time and place for your practice and make it a priority in your everyday life.

  3. Choose a comfortable posture

    A crucial aspect of meditation is deciding on a comfortable posture to maintain for the entirety of your meditation practice. Sitting still and refraining from changing positions will help your mind stay focused. It is common to sit on the floor with your legs crossed, however, there are several different postures you can choose from. Use a cushion for comfort if needed.

  4. Find a quiet space

    Before beginning your practice, find a place where you will not be disturbed and can give your undivided attention to your meditation. If you can, try sitting in the same place for each meditation because your mind will start associating that place with concentration, focus, peace and conscious breath.

  5. Join a community

    A great way to stay motivated to meditate daily is to join a community or group of people who gather to meditate in silence together. The sense of belonging to a group can increase your accountability to stick to your meditation practice. Search for meditation groups online or in person in your area.

  6. Guided meditation

    Many people enjoy having the guidance of meditation tapes or recordings. Especially if you are new to meditation, a guided practice can focus your attention and introduce you to different forms of meditation. Guided meditations are abundant and are easily accessible. Go to our Guided Meditations page to get started.

  7. Focus on your breathing

    One of the most essential parts of meditating is your breath. Focusing on your breath can help you stay focused and mindful during your practice. Begin each meditation by focusing on your inhale and exhale. Breath is a fundamental concept in almost every kind of meditation.