Meditation and the brain

Research has confirmed that meditation can make a significant impact on your brain. Among the various benefits the practice offers, meditation offers various neurological benefits as well. Below are a few ways that meditation can actually change and improve your brain function, according to recent studies. 

  • Helps preserve the brain as it ages

  • Reduces the mind from wandering

  • Increases the brain’s ability to process information

  • Affects the activity in the part of the brain that processes emotions

  • Activates the function of the brain that responds to pain

  • Increase density of the left hippocampus, which improves cognitive ability and memory

  • Strengthens the neurotransmitters used to regulate brain activity, which affects sleep, facial expressions and processing sensations

  • Shrinks an area of the brain, the amygdala, that produces feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety

Despite all of these incredible impacts meditation has on the brain, you won’t reap these neurological benefits unless you start practicing and practice regularly. Make meditation a habit in your daily life to keep your brain healthy for years to come.