How to get the most from your meditation

Meditation is a practice that can provide you with countless benefits; however, if you don’t practice regularly, you may not reap all the benefits it has to offer. To get the most from your meditation, you must be consistent and make it a habit. Here are some tips to make the most of your meditation practice: 

  • Commit to it 

  • Incorporate your practice into your daily routine 

  • Set aside at least 5 minutes a day to center yourself

  • Don’t meditate on a full stomach 

  • Find a comfortable posture with a straight spine

  • Take deep breaths before you begin to relax and focus your body

  • Keep an open mind - have no expectations for your practice

  • Find a quiet place with as few distractions as possible

  • Don’t get discouraged or judge yourself if you get distracted during your practice 

  • Trust the process - have confidence that your practice will work

With practice and these tips, you’ll find that your meditation will get easier and feel more natural in time. The more often and consistently you meditate, the less your mind wanders. Remember that no two practices are the same. Some days, your meditation will be easier or better than others, which is OK. Following these tips will make your daily meditation a bit easier. Trust that you will find peace of mind and relaxation through habitual meditation.